VALDESE, N.C. — A firefighter unknowingly saved his dad suffering from a heart attack at a grocery store. reported that Michael Kiddy, 60, was stocking shelves when he collapsed in a back aisle. High school senior James Crossno, who recently became certified in CPR and is studying pre-EMT courses, immediately went to work with chest compressions. Several nurses who were shopping in the store also helped.
Firefighter Steve Kiddy, with the Valdese Fire Department, showed up on scene and began with respirations. He said because the man’s face was covered with a respiration mask, he didn’t know he was trying to save his own father.
“My chief came up and asked me if I’m alright,” Kiddy said. “And then it dawned on me to check and see who this person is.”
When he realized the victim was his father, he let other responders take over. His father was rushed to a hospital in critical condition. After 10 days in the hospital, he is now recovering at home.
“I don’t think he really understands just what a miracle this is,” Kiddy said. “The doctors said it didn’t do any lasting damage.”