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Inside EMS Podcast: Will EMS volunteers destroy the industry?; ‘Geekymedic’ on community paramedicine

In this week’s podcast, host Kelly Grayson is on location with a live audience from the Connecticut EMS Expo conference

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In this week’s Inside EMS podcast, host Kelly Grayson is on location with a live audience from the Connecticut EMS Expo conference.

Chris Cebollero and Kelly discuss the continuing battle between Las Vegas Fire and AMR over patient transport policy.

“This change in service is leading to instability and uncertainty,” Chris said. “If this system fails, the result is going to be that you’re going to lose the community’s trust.”

Chris and Kelly debate the need for volunteer versus paid EMS systems in their clinical issue segment.

“I think we have reached the point in the maturation of our profession where we need to move beyond volunteerism,” Kelly said. “I don’t think volunteerism is good for the future of EMS.”

They also interview Geekymedic Chris Montera about educating community paramedics and the future of Mobile Integrated healthcare.

If you have any topics or items you would like to hear discussed on Inside EMS, let us know in the comment section below.

Here are links to some of the articles and other items mentioned on the show:

Las Vegas, AMR, continue 3-month duel over patient transport policy

Catastrophic failure looms in Vegas EMS transport battles

Suspected fake nurse at ambulance wreck steals medic’s coat, offers aid

FDNY budgets $1.3M for refresher safe-driving course

EMS volunteers in critical condition

Opinion: Rural EMS can combat ‘dangerous’ volunteer shortage

Va. turns to mobile integrated health care to lighten ER loads

Will community paramedicine help or hurt EMS?

How to build a community paramedicine program

The Inside EMS podcast is a regular expert discussion of hot topics, clinical issues, operational and leadership lessons for EMTs, paramedics and chiefs