Buffalo News
BUFFALO, N.Y. — Seniors could use a sticker to alert emergency responders to their medical information during a car accident under a proposal now before the Erie County Legislature.
Legislators are considering asking the Department of Senior Services to implement a “Yellow Dot” program in which a sticker placed on the back windshield of a vehicle would direct firefighters and EMTs to a folder in the glove box with facts about the driver’s medications, allergies, contacts and other emergency information.
The folder would also include a photograph to ensure the medical information is for the driver.
Legislator Lynn M. Dixon, I-Hamburg, said the program has been used successfully in other areas of the country.
Dixon would also like the county to implement “Vial of Life,” which is a similar program for residents to use in their homes.
If implemented, the “Yellow Dot” stickers and “Vial of Life” decals would be available to any resident -- whether a senior citizen or someone who wants to alert first responders to a special medical condition.
Dixon and four other legislators submitted a resolution to the Erie County Legislature last week asking the Department of Senior Services to implement the two programs. The proposal will go to the Legislature’s Health and Human Services Committee on Thursday.
They hope to find grant funding to help pay for any costs associated with purchasing the stickers and distributing them to residents.
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