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NASEMSO announces comment period for the revision of the National EMS Scope of Practice Model

Priority topics include use of opioid antagonists and therapeutic hypothermia following cardiac arrest


WASHINGTON — The National Association of State Emergency Medical Services Officials (NASEMSO) is soliciting feedback on revised portions contained in the 2007 National EMS Scope of Practice Model that is now available on the project web site at

An expert panel selected from members of the EMS community considered updated background information and a systematic review of literature including the following 5 key areas as priority topics:

1. Use of opioid antagonists at the BLS level

2. Therapeutic hypothermia following cardiac arrest

3. Pharmacological pain management following an acute traumatic event

4. Hemorrhage control

5. Use of CPAP/BiPAP at the EMT level

Content regarding EMS levels and skill sets is still under discussion and will be addressed in future versions. National engagement provides interested parties with an opportunity to comment on the draft to ensure that the document reflects the collective expertise and experience of the whole community. Individuals or organizations that wish to provide input should visit to enter comments.

This National Engagement Period will conclude Oct. 7, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. EDT.