By EMS1 Staff
GALLATIN COUNTY, Ky. — After a pit bull attacked a teen, EMTs were praised for their quick-thinking actions.
Gallatin County EMTs were responding to a dog bite call after a pit bull got loose and attacked a 16-year-old last month. The teen was meeting some friends at a park near his house when he was bitten.
“The bite was big enough where you could put your thumb into it all the way down to the bone,” Michael Murphy, the teen’s grandfather, told WLWT.
EMTs were treating the teen when the dog approached them. An EMT then shot the dog.
“The EMS had a gun and he was backing up, he wasn’t going to shoot it, I told him, I said ‘shoot it’ because it’s going to get us all,” Bobby Nunn, with Gallatin County Animal Control, said. Nunn believes the owner of the pit bull was training the dog to fight.
Gallatin County EMS did not comment on the incident or their policies.