By EMS1 Staff
SOUTH JORDAN, Utah — It’s not everyday first responders delivery a baby on a highway, nor do they always find out what happens to patients after they leave their care. But for South Jordan paramedics, they had to opportunity to do just that.
South Jordan Fire paramedics and EMTs met with the baby girl they delivered Tuesday after the family stopped by the fire station to thank them.
“I think this is probably the most rewarding part of our job,” paramedic Josh Brown said.
The South Jordan Fire crew was stuck in traffic on Oct. 6 when they received a call of a woman in labor also trapped in traffic. Adina Reitz-Rothuag and her husband were on their way to the hospital, but were unable to reach their exit, reported FOX.
After calling 911, paramedics were close enough to the couple to provide care.
“It was a little bit of a whirlwind when they first showed up and very, very quickly got me out of the car and into the ambulance and just that fast baby was out and born,” Reitz-Rothuag said.
During their reunion, the crew gifted the family with a box of diapers and a signed picture. In turn, Reitz-Rothuag had them sign the infant’s birth certificate.
“We interact with people kind of at their dire moments and so to be involved with the baby and be able to see the baby come back, it’s real fulfilling,” paramedic Andrew James said.