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Ill. EMS to purchase new defibrillators with $60K grant

The two new models will have expanded capabilities to meet current patient care requirements

Quincy Journal

QUINCY, Ill. — The Adams County Ambulance and Emergency Medical Services will soon see new equipment thanks to a grant. It was awarded a $60,000 grant from the Marion Gardner Jackson Charitable Trust last week.

The money from the grant will be used to replace two sixteen year-old cardiac monitor/defibrillators with two new units. According to a release, the two new Physio-Control Lifepak 15 models will have expanded capabilities to meet current patient care requirements including sending EKG data to the Emergency Department and Cardiac Cath Lab. That would provide receiving physicians with a preview of the incoming patient’s condition.

EMS Chief Paul Davis said the Ambulance Service regularly uses grants to purchase much needed patient care and training equipment “to ensure we t support such expenditures.”

Read full story: Adams County EMS service receives grant to replace equipment