By Chief Billy Goldfeder
A few emails have come to us about the issue of the proposed Mosque in NYC near the WTC Ground Zero site. Of course, some of you may get annoyed that we have an opinion and will claim it has nothing to do with our “mission” related to firefighter safety, health and survival.
In this case, sure, we have an opinion on the Mosque issue. In our opinion, it is not an issue of religious freedom as the great majority of Muslims (like most people of all religions) are peace loving and are absolutely entitled to religious freedom as citizens of the United States of America. And, they, like all Americans, enjoy and demonstrate that freedom each and every day, as they absolutely should.
However, it is an issue of respect for those murdered on 9/11, specifically at the WTC. That is the issue. If the proposed location upsets those directly affected, the survivors and relatives of those murdered on 9/11, simply respect their wishes and work with them on a better solution. It’s not a religious freedom issue, but one of deep respect. Our opinion.
Now-since we have opened that can of worms, we will offer another opinion directly related to 9/11/01.
Dying Firefighters, EMTs, Police Officers and related workers
Instead of the many politicians who are all worked up and grandstanding this issue, including The President, how about spending HALF that energy and HALF that press/media time focused on cleaning up and PASSING the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act. Firefighters, EMTs, Police Officers and Civilians who are in the process of dying with less than adequate protection desperately need that support, and it is shameful what has happened to it so far.
Everyone and their brother, including political big shots, from Pres. Obama to Ex-Gov. Palin, have an opinion on the Mosque issue, but where are they on the ZADROGA BILL clean up and passage?
To the Federally elected officials, including some who subscribe to The Secret List, the best use of energy related to 9/11 at this point would be to clean out all the bi-partisan junk that’s been added to pollute that bill and then support it, across both parties. The folks who worked at Ground Zero need your help, urgently.
Many are literally dying.
Clean up the bill:
Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, the “9/11 bill” is being used to gain political advantage by some members of both parties. Firefighters, Police Officers, EMTs and others who worked on the pile are being used as pawns. If those who responded to 9/11 and those who participated in the cleanup continue to suffer, the Washington politicians appear to just consider that unfortunate collateral damage in their own political war. Incredible.
If you feel strongly about what we are writing, don’t tell us. HOWEVER, every member of Congress should hear how you feel and, as far as we are concerned, they must put politics aside, clean up and PASS the “Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act”. Get rid of all the added unrelated political crap that’s in there and pass it with 100% of the bill focused on helping those who are sick from simply trying to help at Ground Zero. Ya thinking they can’t do that, and do it quickly? BS. If they want to, they can. If they want to.
This affects you:
Today it’s the Firefighters, Police Officers, EMTs and civilians in NYC, tomorrow it may be somewhere else. Perhaps you and your FD will be directly affected when the next attacks come. Every Firefighter in the USA has the potential to be the next victim of terrorism. As FDNY, NYPD and others were on 9/11, you may be the “soldiers” who do the domestic fighting next time. This definitely does impact FF survival.
Religious freedom? FAILURE to provide compensation to our ailing Firefighters, Police Officers, EMT’s and civilians could be an issue of religious freedom, a failure to hear and answer their prayers, by those who COULD answer them (Congress), if they wanted to. Please take action TODAY as you have a chance to help those who are “praying” for the passage of this bill-so they may have a chance at a better quality of life. Perhaps we can answer their prayers, no matter what their religion.