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Paramedics treat Fla. concert-goers

Orlando Sentinel (Florida)
Copyright 2008 Sentinel Communications Co.

UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA — Orange County Fire Rescue took several patients to the hospital after they were injured at a concert at the University of Central Florida, authorities said.

Five people with various injuries, including twisted ankles and chest and abdominal pains, were taken to Florida Hospital East, said Orange County Fire Rescue spokesman John Mulhall.

The patients were injured while attending an Avenged Sevenfold rock concert at the UCF Arena on Friday night. It was part of the Taste of Chaos tour.

Paramedics were transporting the patients and attending to others who had been injured between 8:30and 11 p.m., Mulhall said. The concert began at 5 p.m.

Several units continued to stand by throughout the concert, he said.