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N.Y. community boasts growing bicycle medic program

By Jim Read, crime & safety writer
The Post-Standard (Syracuse, New York)
Copyright 2006 Post-Standard

The Fayetteville Fire Department’s bicycle medic program is growing.

The program began last year, helped along by a $5,000 state grant that paid for two mountain bikes and special lightweight medical gear. Starting with five medics last year, the team has nearly doubled in size to nine, said Jeff Jones, a member of the career staff who serves as the coordinator of the program.

The bike team is sent out to help patients at large gatherings, such as concerts at Beard Park.

“Our bikes are equipped to treat someone for the first two or three minutes of an incident,” Jones said, which gives the ambulance time to arrive. The bicycles carry an automated external defibrillator and a small tank of oxygen, he said.

The medics also carry fire safety stickers, Jones said.

“One of our missions is to hand out fire safety information and talk to people,” he said.

Last month, the members of the team took formal bicycle training from a certified instructor. The two-day class included classroom instruction and hands-on training through an obstacle course. The medics also learned to deal with obstacles, such as curbs.

“We did some practical stuff,” Jones said.

With the training completed, the bicycles appeared in the Memorial Day parades in Fayetteville and Manlius, Jones said. The team also was invited to appear the Manlius July 4 celebrations.

With the training, the team expects to be more active this year, Jones said. Two medics will be assigned to most events and the team also may be enlisted to assist at events in the village of Manlius, Jones said. The Manlius Fire Department also has a bicycle medic team, he said.