Most of the time EMS providers work in the background, providing care, compassion and support far removed from the glitz and glamour of the flashing lights and blaring siren.
We often do it for little or no pay, and we see and mitigate events that the vast majority of the public will never see. And, for the most part, we do it gladly and without expectation of glory or fame.
When it’s one of our own who is critically injured as a result of a truly senseless act, it becomes especially tragic. The EMS family is small and we know what each other endures in making this job a career.
Today, I hope you will join me and many others in reaching out to help Bryan Stow, a Bay Area paramedic, and his family who could really use a hand as he struggles to recover from a devastating head injury. I don’t know Bryan personally, and I don’t have to. I do know that if all of us contribute a little, it adds up and we’ll help to protect his family while he recovers.