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First-responder group in Ariz. gives aid to those suffering quietly

By M.J. Smith
Mohave Valley Daily News

BULLHEAD CITY, Ariz. — Over the course of a 20-year career, first responders see innumerable acts that will leave scars on their souls, but a few simple acts of random kindness may balance that negativity, according to one Bullhead City Fire Department chaplain.

“A long time ago, firemen could count on saving a child from a burning building and having that memory to sustain them,” Chaplain Kolby Kreidel said. “Now, the majority of our calls are EMS and the things you see might not be as rewarding. We need the rewarding to balance the ugly that we see. In a sense, the children firemen pulled out of burning buildings saved them.”

Kreidel has discovered a new way for firefighters and other first responders to gain the blessings they need, while providing an important service to the community and he is calling this new nonprofit Bullhead City Random Acts. ...

Full Story: First-responder group gives aid to those suffering quietly