Copyright 2005 Caller-Times Publishing Company
Corpus Christi Caller-Times (Texas)
Corpus Christi Caller-Times (Texas)
The Federal Emergency Management Agency has approved a $1,115,003 disaster assistance payment to the city of Corpus Christi for money spent assisting Hurricane Katrina evacuees, U.S. Sen. John Cornyn’s office announced Tuesday.
By Dec. 1, the city had spent $1,377,296 responding to Hurricane Katrina, and city leaders are glad to see some money coming back, but remain concerned about the rest.
“I’m tickled to death,” said Mayor Henry Garrett. “Just anxiously waiting for the check. But we’re cautious, we want to be sure we get it all.”
Costs are expected to continue accruing through March, as more evacuees move from hotels to homes and apartments.
This first request for reimbursement funds was submitted to FEMA’s San Antonio office Oct. 4.
“Getting this money will be reassuring,” said Oscar Martinez, assistant city manager for administrative services. “But until we receive the check there’s no cause to celebrate. Also imbedded in our submission is about another $160,000 for contractors that I hope is being treated separately. They expended their funds in good faith, too.”
Another $110,000 reimbursement request was submitted in November, he said. “And I have another about-$60,000 request I’m ready to sign.”
The funds are distributed through Public Assistance Program grants, which reimburse only eligible costs. Other costs such as education and health care are being addressed legislatively and through the individual agencies.
There are 245 Katrina evacuee families still listed as staying in Corpus Christi, according to the city’s database. Of those, 132 families are in transitional housing, Martinez said.
“The rest we’re unable to locate,” Martinez said. “They’ve either moved in with family, are waiting on approval or have been denied by FEMA and haven’t communicated with us.”
FEMA reimbursements to Texas cities/counties in millions of dollars.
Houston/Harris county: 149.4
Austin: 43.9
San Antonio: 6.53
Fort Worth: 5.73
Tyler County: 4.85
Dallas: 3.46
Lumberton: 2.8
Montgomery County: 2.6
Grand Prairie: 2.26
Plano: 2.15
Bell County: 1.99
Corpus Christi: 1.11
* Does not show those paid to Texas Building and Procurement Commission, Ark-Tex Council of Governments, State of Texas