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Ind. EMS agency adopts lost puppy

After two weeks and no answer from residents or online posts, the puppy, named Siren, is now the newest member of the team


Photo courtesy American Medical Response of Evansville Facebook page

EVANSVILLE, Ind. — Evansville AMR has a new colleague — a lost puppy found on their way to a call. reported that crews came across the puppy a few weeks ago when he ran up to their ambulance and chased them until they stopped. Crew members tried to find the owner, asking residents, posting online and checking to see if the dog was micro-chipped.

After two weeks and no answer, the puppy, now named Siren, is running the halls as the newest member of the team.

“We brought him back here, he spent his first night here, kind of got endeared to everyone and we have one of our employees who’s essentially taken on the responsibilities for him,” manager Lee Turpin said. “We sometimes have workers come off shifts exhausted and emotionally drained, and employees are really enjoying the fact that they can just walk in, he greets them and everything just melts away.”

And although adopting a dog wasn’t their plan, crews said they can’t imagine life without him.