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Tenn. EMT injured after car sideswipes ambulance

Three EMS providers and a 71-year-old patient were in the rig at the time of the crash

By EMS1 Staff

BLOUNT COUNTY, Tenn. — A Tennessee EMT was injured after a car sideswiped an ambulance transporting a patient on Tuesday.

American Medical Response EMT Meredith Graham, 36, was transported to the hospital after the ambulance carrying her, two other EMS providers and a 71-year-old woman was struck, according to The Daily Times.

The other two AMR employees, the patient and the two people in the other car were not injured in the collision, according to Blount County Sheriff’s Office Spokeswoman Marian O’Briant.

Graham, who was in the driver’s seat of the rig, was treated and released from the hospital Thursday evening.

“If you hear an emergency vehicle approaching, look to see where it is on the road and how fast it is approaching so you can determine what to do next,” O’Briant said. “Stay at least 500 feet behind a moving emergency vehicle that has its lights and sirens going.”