PERM, Russia — After a car collided with an ambulance carrying a woman in labor, she got out and walked the rest of the way to the hospital.
Video shows the ambulance to rolling across the road, and coming to a stop after smashing into another car.
Olesya Lavrentyev, 25, stepped out of the back door of the ambulance clutching her stomach, Fox News reports.
Witness Yegor Vasiliev ran over to help, but Lavrentyev refused assistance, and asked for directions to the hospital, Mirror UK reports.
“I asked if she was okay and she said she needed to get to the hospital as her water had broken,” Vasiliev said. “I offered to drive her but she said I should stay and help at the accident and just asked which way she should go. Luckily the hospital was just five minutes away so I pointed her in the right direction and she went.”
A hospital spokesman said Vasiliev suffered a cut to her head and had blood on her face when she walked in.
She was rushed to the delivery room and gave birth to a healthy baby boy.
No one was seriously injured in the crash, and police are investigating the incident.