As the year comes to a close, we asked EMS leaders what they wanted to improve on in the upcoming year.
Here are some top responses from our EMS1 editorial advisory board members and industry experts. Don’t see your New Year’s resolution on the list? Sound off in the comments below. Cheers!
1. “I resolve to up my fitness level. A few years ago, I could accurately describe myself as ‘fat, but fit.’ Now I’m just fat. That is going to change in 2017.” — Kelly Grayson
2. “My resolution for 2017 is to tame my use of social media. I need to cut the strings a bit while still staying in touch. I will be a force for collegiality, good will and good information and hopefully be an example for others.” — Dan Limmer
3. “Learn more about the finer details of field 12-lead EKGs: Sgarbossa’s criteria, reading AvR in left main coronary artery or left anterior descending occlusion and apply them to field cases. Get back to fitness training and add in mediation, and also continue to build a solid work/life balance and spend more time with family and friends.” — Art Hsieh
4. “My main EMS resolution for 2017 is to help at least 1,000 EMS providers protect themselves from legal entanglements by teaching them how understanding the law can be their best protection.” — David Givot
5. “My EMS resolution is to continue to assist in the transformation toward EMS 3.0, develop a hybrid EMT program that transcends the standard curriculum, and continue to deliver high value leadership education to those looking for next level advancement.” — Chris Cebollero
6. “Carve out more ‘street time’ with my crews. It’s more than just fun. It’s essential knowledge acquisition about my region, system and providers.” — David K. Tan
7. “Better understand the needs and challenges of EMS providers working or volunteering for medium sized agencies.” — Greg Friese