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Wash. EMS crews rescue motorcyclist found a day after crashing

Responders performed a rope rescue after a passerby noticed a motorcycle over the embankment of a road


Skamania County rescue crews haul Matt L’Hommidieu up an embankment after he crashed his motorcycle and was not found until the next day. (Photo courtesy of Angela Service)

By Mark Bowder
The Columbian

VANCOUVER, Wash. — A Stevenson man who crashed his motorcycle on a remote forest road late Thursday afternoon lay injured over an embankment until he was found by a passer-by the next day, according to the Skamania County Sheriff’s Office.

Sheriff Dave Brown said Lawrence Matthew L’Hommedieu, 46, was riding his motorcycle on the DNR 2000 road when he crashed and went over an embankment. His injuries were so serious that he could not make his way back up to the road.

L’Hommedieu was discovered Friday afternoon when a passer-by heading north on the gravel road noticed a motorcycle over the bank. When he saw the motorcycle still there when he passed by again a few hours later, he stopped, found L’Hommedieu about 30 feet away from the motorcycle and called the authorities.

Skamania County EMS rope rescue teams pulled L’Hommedieu out of a ravine after he crashed his motorcycle the day before. (Image Skamania County EMS)

Skamania County deputies responded with Skamania County EMS and rope rescue teams, which set up a system to bring L’Hommedieu up to the roadway, Brown said.

L’Hommedieu was taken by ambulance to the Skamania County Fairgrounds and then by Life Flight helicopter to PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center, Brown said.

He was reported in critical condition Saturday night.


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