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Operational scenario: A co-worker becoming increasingly distant

Your partner is regularly late to work, has been disciplined for poor attendance and increasingly seems aloof

You are in the garage checking out your ambulance at the start of your shift. As the office door closes, you know the direction the conversation is going before your supervisor even walks up to the back of your truck.

“Hey,” she begins. “Any idea where your partner is?”

“No,” you respond. “I haven’t seen Jeff yet.”

Your shift started 10 minutes ago and this will mark Jeff’s fifth tardy in as many shifts. Jeff has seemed distant and frustrated. Little things like multiple post moves that never bothered him before seem to easily upset him. He hasn’t been as engaged with his patients or his intern. He has stopped joining the other crews for breakfast when you get off work in the morning.

Considering that Jeff is one of the most compassionate and caring paramedics you’ve ever worked with this is very unusual for him. You try to think back to when Jeff started to change and realize that you can’t pinpoint one event or time. It hasn’t always been this way but no specific transition comes to mind.

You hear the front door of the station close and see Jeff, looking more tired than usual, walking over to clock in. As he walks up to the ambulance, consider the following questions while you decide what to do:

  • Is it possible that Jeff is struggling without a specific triggering event?
  • What may be some of the causes of his abrupt change in personality?
  • What are you concerned about going forward?
  • What can you do to help?
  • When should you ask for assistance with dealing with Jeff?

Post your answers in the comments and view the solution for this situation.

An EMS practitioner for nearly 15 years, Patrick Lickiss is currently located in Grand Rapids, MI. He is interested in education and research and hopes to further the expansion of evidence-based practice in EMS. He is also an avid homebrewer and runner.