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Trending: Should medics wear ballistic vests?

Recent attacks have raised concerns about how to keep emergency responders safer while on scene

There have been a lot of articles recently about paramedics and firefighters asking for ballistic vests in light of attacks on first responder.

The latest push for vests resurfaces some of the challenges surrounding their adoption such as cost, weight, mobility restriction and interface with other protective clothing.

It also leads to another question: Are vests the right option? Do they really provide protection to medics and firefighters, or are they a knee-jerk reaction to isolated incidents and not worth the cost?

This week, officials in Michigan and Ohio asked for departments to adopt body armor following recent attacks on medics and firefighters in Detroit and San Diego.

Should bulletproof vests become part of the uniform for medics?

Check out the articles and add your thoughts below.

Emergency responders need bulletproof vests, safety director says

After two firefighters were held at gunpoint last week, Lancaster, Ohio, safety director says it’s time to provide the city’s medics with ballistic vests.

Body armor for firefighters and medics part of changing safety mindset

Fire officials in Michigan want to add flak vests to equipment worn by firefighters after the stabbing of two Detroit paramedics last week.

Medic ordered to wear bulletproof vest underneath uniform

A 40-year Chicago Fire Department veteran was told he couldn’t wear the vest he bought with his own money over the uniform.

Inside EMS Podcast: Va. shooting prompts call for EMS body armor again

Co-hosts Chris Cebollero and Kelly Grayson talk about the shooting of the news crew in Virginia and what it means for citizen and EMS safety.

Exclusive: Why EMS got ballistic vests for Ferguson riots

During the Ferguson riots, EMS Chief Chris Cebollero discusses stress management for his crews, communication problems and issuing bulletproof vests.