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First NEMSIS v3 EMS patient care record system deployed in California, Texas, Pennsylvania, and the Carolinas

Fort Worth, TX (November, 2014) – At this week’s Texas EMS Conference, Beyond Lucid Technologies (BLT)—a San Francisco area-based health and safety IT firm serving the Fire and Emergency Medical Services industry—announced that it is the first company to deploy, across multiple states, the first ambulance-based patient care record system that complies with new national prehospital data mandates designed for interoperability with hospital electronic health records. BLT is currently assisting the Texas Department of State Health Services implement its plan to roll out technology that complies with the most recent iteration (version 3) of the National EMS Information System (NEMSIS). BLT previously provided the only “live” field-based patient care record data that the California Emergency Medical Services Authority used to complete its certification process, becoming “the first state to successfully transmit NEMSIS version 3 EMS data to the national repository,” according to the agency’s October 1 statement.

The Texas NEMSIS v3 go-live date is currently set for January 2, 2015, with a conversion of all patient care record systems to NEMSIS v3 by July 1, 2015. MEDIVIEW™ is the first ePCR in the market that EMS and Fire agencies can use to achieve current and future data compliance without a need to retrain their crews. In December 2013, the MEDIVIEW™ ePCR and Prehospital Health Information Exchange was certified both NEMSIS v3 and v2 Gold compliant. Since then, the system has been deployed by Fire and EMS agencies nationwide, including in California, Texas, Pennsylvania, the Carolinas, the Department of Defense and more. Beyond Lucid Technologies was the first company to make electronic patient care records available for transmission to the state or county, and to receiving care facilities tied to a patient’s care, in 30 seconds—for free—in formats that can be consumed by the leading EHRs.

NEMSIS is the data architecture that powers the patient care and incident records used by U.S. ambulance operators, basically the EMS equivalent of HL7 for electronic health records. Based at the University of Utah and federally funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NEMSIS v3 has been in development for years, and was approved last August by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). In an August 11 release, Dr. Clay Mann, Ph.D., M.S., NEMSIS Principal Investigator, said: “This is an incredibly important step that gives EMS equal footing in the Health Information Exchange (HIE) environment. A nationally approved standard is now available to exchange NEMSIS compliant patient information between EMS professionals and health networks or a waiting emergency department.”

According to Jonathon Feit, Co-Founder & CEO of Beyond Lucid Technologies: “We heard from state data managers, partner-client agencies, and even our competitors, that ‘someone has to be the first to jump in and make this ambitious new rich data effort real.’ We felt that if we are going to deliver ‘The EMS & Fire Industry’s Most Innovative ePCR’ -- and we have -- then we need to be the ones to blaze this rich data trail. We’ve already integrated telemedicine into an ambulance record, along the lines of what healthcare leaders like the Cleveland Clinic said they hope to find in the marketplace during 2015. Now we’ve also deployed a long-sought patient care record that was designed for mobile integrated health and EHR interoperability.”

About Beyond Lucid Technologies, Inc.
Beyond Lucid Technologies, Inc. (, based in Concord, California, is an award-winning health and safety IT firm that builds software packed with innovations—including telemedicine, GPS, and prehospital health information exchange—to make emergency response safer, more efficient, and more cost-effective...even during disasters. With partner-client agencies in over 15 U.S. states and the Department of Defense (Defense Logistics Agency), Beyond Lucid Technologies is a Microsoft and Dell partner, a Carnegie Mellon University portfolio company, and a 2014 EMS World Innovation Awards Finalist.