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Spotlight: Frontline Innovations created an awareness of the need for a better approach to systematic disinfection practices

The company’s main focus is to establish a safe and clean environment for all patients and staff all the time

Company Name: Frontline Innovations
Headquarters: Northfield, Illinois

1. Where did your company name originate from?

The name is the result of us both being in the emergency services industry. As an active paramedic, EMT and retired detective, we have been, and continue to be, intimately involved in the profession, and have a keen understanding of the gaps and needs that exist.

2. What was the inspiration behind starting your company?

Prior to the COVID-19 surge in our area, we were concerned about the disinfection practices that were occurring in the back of our ambulances. This gap had always existed industry-wide, but acknowledging the problem and taking steps to fix it were long overdue. We committed to electrostatic spraying technology, as it had showed very promising results in being able to reach all areas in the patient compartment of the ambulance. When the surge hit, we immediately deployed our sprayers and through consistent use, we sustained minimal staff contamination when transporting countless COVID-19-positive patients. Recognizing its effectiveness, we envisioned the possibility of bringing that technology into the ambulance to be used after every call, ensuring that a safe and clean environment would be afforded to all patients and staff all the time.

3. What is your signature product and how does it work?

The MEDS (Modular Electrostatic Disinfection System) unit is a system that can be retrofitted or requested in newly-built vehicles. It takes the electrostatic spray technology used in the airline industry and other highly populated and impacted industries and makes it available inside ambulances and other rescue vehicles. The premise behind the product is to create a standard for complete disinfection of the most highly contaminated areas after every interaction. It’s more than COVID-19. Studies find that MRSA and other pathogens lie active inside ambulances and medical facilities consistently. This jeopardizes the health and well-being of the provider, and especially that of critical patients that inhabit this space.

4. Why do you believe your products are essential to your vertical (Police, Fire, EMS, Corrections, Government) community?

We believe that COVID-19 has created an awareness of the need for a better approach to systematic disinfection practices. A contaminated workspace that potentially threatens our workforce and vulnerable populations can no longer be accepted. Beyond the immediate concern for health and medical settings, a need very much exists within our vertical, as these individuals are exposed to many of the same threats that those in healthcare are. Fomite transmission of deadly pathogens exists everywhere.

5. What has been the biggest challenge your company has faced?

Awareness and understanding. The technology behind electrostatic spraying is just starting to gain the recognition it deserves. Although other methods of disinfection exist, we feel very strongly about the superior delivery method of electrostatics.

6. What makes your company unique?

We are from the emergency service industry with over a half-century of experience. We understand the shortfalls, and we understand how to address them by creating solutions that are user-friendly and effective.

7. What do your customers like best about you and your products?

Ease of use. Our product is built on efficiency and adaptability. Results are one thing but making results available without extra work is what every provider longs for. Knowing that you can create a safer workspace after every job in a matter of five minutes, without having to expose yourself to potential contamination, is an easy sell.

8. What is the most rewarding part of serving the first responder/local government community?

Knowing that we are potentially changing the way disinfection can be achieved. Being part of a solution is always rewarding. Revolutionizing the way an industry handles a major shortcoming, which can potentially save the lives of providers and patients, is the ultimate reward.

9. Do you support any charitable organizations within public safety/community? Tell us more.

We very much plan on supporting charitable organizations. We are working hard to bring awareness to our product which will undoubtedly lead to these opportunities.

10. Is there any fun fact or trivia that you’d like to share with our users about you or your company?

I had the great honor of being an analyst for the series “Live Rescue” on A&E, and currently serve as host for EMS World Podcasts.

11. What’s next for your company? Any upcoming new projects or initiatives?

We are in the process of developing an add on component to our system that will allow for hasty decontamination utilizing electrostatic technology. This is very exciting news as we expand into the fire service.