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TranSafe Systems Introduces the Only Portable, Medically Certified Ramp & Winch System

One TranSafe Ramp can serve multiple ambulances and accommodates any type of patient transport apparatus mounted to ANY standard or wide ambulance cot frame. (Bariatric gurney, isolette, balloon pump) (1200lb weight limit).

Just one Bariatric Lifting Injury or Accident can incur costs upwards of $1,000,000 dollars! Compare that to the cost of one TranSafe Ramp and Winch System of $4,600.00.

Other SAVINGS and benefits provided by the TranSafe Bariatric Patient Loading System:

  • Minimize or completely ELIMINATE employee down time due to lifting injuries.
  • REDUCE the number of on-scene human resources required for managing bariatric patients.
  • PRESERVE a bariatric patient’s dignity and confidence in the caring treatment of ambulance responders.

Fully Compatible with all Stryker and Ferno bariatric extrication products and all bariatric and standard ambulance cots!

Our ramps and/or winch system can be used for any ambulance cot or apparatus attached to a standard ambulance cot frame such as isolettes, balloon pumps, etc. (1200lb weight limit.) It only takes 45 seconds to complete the installation! Any installers that are familiar with the installation of ambulance cot fastener systems, DC electrical powered accessories and safety standards pertaining to the installation and use of electrical accessories can install a TranSafe Ramp and Winch System.

Call 800-425-9881 or visit for more information or to order today.