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Slideshow: 9/11 memorials and sculptures

View artistic tributes and 9/11 remembrances at EMS agencies, fire departments and police departments across the U.S.

EMS agencies, fire departments, police departments and communities, of all sizes, across the U.S. have memorials to remember and honor the nearly 3,000 people killed, including 343 firefighters, 8 EMTs and medics and 60 police officers.

We asked EMS1 Facebook fans to share photos of 9/11 memorials, sculptures, art and other displays of remembrance. The response from EMS1 readers, as well as FireRescue1 readers, was tremendous. Here are some of the photos you submitted.

To contribute a photo of the memorial, sculpture or artwork at your station you can do so in the comment section below or on the EMS1 Facebook page.

View more EMS1 coverage of Remebering 9/11.