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Paramedics save 60-vehicle pileup victim police thought dead

The life of a patient injured in a massive vehicle pileup was saved as paramedics transported the crash victim to the hospital
By Emily Monacelli

HARTFORD, Mich. — Paramedics working a series of crashes involving more than 60 cars in Southwest Michigan saved a patient’s life on the way to the hospital.

Michigan State Police Public Information Officer Melinda Logan had said the series of crashes on both east and westbound I-94 around Hartford, exit 46, had claimed the lives of two people. But Logan corrected that total Sunday evening after paramedics had saved the patient during transport.

“Life-saving measures by paramedics en-route to the hospital resulted currently in a critical care status for one patient instead of a fatality,” Logan said in a press release issued Sunday evening.

Read full story: From dead to alive on I-94: Paramedics revive pileup victim thought dead