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Ind. woman’s leg partly severed by crash

Roberta L. Snoke was taken by ambulance to the Kosciusko County 4-H Fairgrounds where a Samaritan helicopter transported her to Parkview Hospital in Fort Wayne in serious condition

By Dominic Adams
Fort Wayne Journal Gazette

WARSAW, Ind. — A Warsaw woman’s leg was partly severed when a pickup truck ran into her while she was on a motorcycle Tuesday, police said.

Police and emergency responders were called to the crash at 10:57 a.m. at Jefferson and McKinley streets in Warsaw. They found a 2002 Harley Davidson near a utility pole and driver Roberta L. Snoke lying in the lawn area north of the intersection.

Snoke, 52, was eastbound on Jefferson when she was hit by a 2008 Chevy pickup driven by Kenneth J. Penn, 44, of Elwood, the Kosciusko County Sheriff’s Department said.

Penn was at a stop sign at the intersection and did not see Snoke when he pulled into the intersection and hit her, police said.

Snoke’s lower leg was partly severed and bleeding profusely. She was taken by ambulance to the Kosciusko County 4-H Fairgrounds where a Samaritan helicopter transported her to Parkview Hospital in Fort Wayne in serious condition, police said.

The crash is still under investigation.

4 safely escape Orland house fire

Quick thinking during a house fire helped four people escape injury late Monday and kept the blaze from spreading throughout a home just east of Orland, officials said.

Firefighters responded to 3535 W. Indiana 120 just before 11 p.m. and found flames in a bedroom of the two-story farmhouse, the Orland Community Volunteer Fire Department said.

“The fire was contained to that room because the occupant closed the door when they left the room,” Chief Wayne Wells Jr. said. “They were lucky.”

Firefighters were able to stop the fire from spreading throughout the house and had it under control in about 20 minutes, although there was some smoke and water damage to other rooms, the fire department said.

A candle is believed to have started the fire, and the person in the room woke up to find flames, firefighters said.

There were no injuries in the fire, which caused an estimated $25,000 in damages. There were no working smoke detectors in the home, firefighters said.

Pierceton couple face meth charges

A Pierceton couple was arrested Monday after the Kosciusko County Drug Task Force found two meth labs inside a washing machine, police said.

Task force officers went to 5509 S. County Road 500 East in response to a welfare check on the home and noticed several items associated with the production of methamphetamine, police said.

A search revealed the two meth labs in the washing machine and a handgun from which serial numbers were “filed off,” police said.

Shiloh L. Steiner, 35, was arrested on suspicion of manufacturing methamphetamine and possession of a handgun with obliterated serial numbers. Brandi L. Steiner, 32, was arrested on suspicion of manufacturing methamphetamine. Both were being held without bail at the Kosciusko County Jail.

Man charged after tussle with police

A Fort Wayne man who asked police not to use a stun gun on him and then tried to take the weapon from an officer faces three felony charges, court records said.

David A. Hedges, 34, of the 1100 block of Pluma Avenue, was arrested Sunday after the Allen County Sheriff’s Department responded to suicide threats at the Adams Township residence, according to court documents.

Police entered the home and Hedges refused to stop and turn around for police, court documents said. The officer pulled his Taser stun gun and pointed it at Hedges, who then told police he didn’t want police to use the weapon and began to comply with the officer.

As the officer tried to get Hedges’ arm behind his back, Hedges fought the officer and tried to get to his feet. The officer applied a stun from his Taser to Hedges’ back, while the two continued to roll around on the ground.

Hedges was able to get to his feet and grab the officer’s hand that was holding the Taser, according to court documents.

The officer put Hedges in a headlock and was able to subdue him until another officer arrived, court records said.

Hedges was being held in the Allen County Lockup in lieu of $15,000 bail on charges of disarming a law enforcement officer, resisting law enforcement and battery to a law enforcement officer.

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