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Crews tear house apart to rescue UK’s biggest teen

Georgia Davis, 19, needed hospital treatment after abandoning latest extreme diet doctors put her on in bid to save her life

By Richard Smith
The Daily Record

ABERBARE, Wales — A 40-strong emergency team yesterday staged a rescue operation to get Britain’s fattest teenager out of her own home.

Georgia Davis, 19, needed hospital treatment after abandoning the latest extreme diet doctors put her on in a bid to save her life.

Locals claimed the 5ft 6in teenager’s weight had recently ballooned to 63 stone, despite earlier attempts to lose weight.

A crane and scaffolding were used in the eight-hour operation to free the stranded teenager from her bedroom.

Emergency services also had to rip down an internal and an external wall to get Georgia out of the semidetached council house. Georgia recently told her Facebook friends: “I’m in bed but problem is can’t get up.

“Earlier, I was blocked in the toilet for like 20 minutes and if you sit on the loo for that long it bloody hurts.

“My legs hurt and so does my back. Thought my knees will give out if I stay seated any longer.”

Traffic was yesterday diverted and the street where Georgia lives in Aberdare, Wales, was closed while scores of specialists struggled to free her.

One local mum said: “It is a major operation and there’s loads of people here just to get Georgia out of the house.

“She’s too big to get out herself and they’ve had to take the walls down.

“It is tragic for her. She’s done all sorts to lose weight with fat camps in the States and a thousand diets.

“But nothing worked and she is up to about 63 stone according to people who’ve spoken to her family.”

Georgia is believed to be suffering from major organ failure.

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