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‘Everybody is doing weed’: Should providers have the option if legal?

Which side of the debate do you land?

“Marijuana use is becoming part of a societal norm.” Our cohosts tackle one of the more contentious topics in the industry, as Chris Cebollero and Kelly Grayson debate the logistics and implications of allowing EMS providers to consume marijuana in their off-duty time. The use of federal money by most agencies in the country makes this a difficult task; listen as the discussion tackles the debate from all sides.

Top quotes

  • “We don’t require that people not be impaired from alcohol while off duty.”
  • “There’s no test for impairment. For alcohol use, the test is literally about reaction time and fine motor skills. It’s literally a test to see if you can operate heavy machinery. And there is no such thing for marijuana use.”
  • “I think it’s time we started to look at this realistically rather than this condemnation of marijuana as the devil’s lettuce.”

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