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Mass. EMT director questions regionalization

The volunteer EMT department began a new system that has two of its 16 EMTs on call from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

By Kathleen McKiernan
The Recorder

WHATELY, Mass. — Since the Whately Emergency Management Department instituted its new shift schedule in April, EMS Director Gary Stone said the department has not missed any calls.

“It’s been working really well,” Stone said. On April 1, the volunteer EMT department began a new system that has two of its 16 EMTs in Whately on call from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., when most calls typically come in.

Staff pay also increased from $13.94 per hour when an EMT responds to a call to $25 per shift. If the EMT gets a call during the shift and transports a patient, the EMT receives a $75 stipend. If the call comes in during an off shift time, the transporting EMT gets a $100 stipend.

Full story: Whately EMT director questions regionalization