The Associated Press
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A 13-year-old girl with a peanut allergy died after taking a bite of a treat at a family summer camp in Sacramento, Calif.
The El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office tells the Sacramento Bee that Natalie Giorgi died Saturday at Camp Sacramento after ingesting a Rice Krispies treat with peanuts, even after her parents administered multiple doses of medicine.
A family friend told the Bee that Giorgi spit out the treat right away after tasting peanuts.
She called her parents, who gave her a dose of Benadryl and monitored her.
Twenty minutes later she had trouble breathing. Her father, a doctor, administered an injection of epinephrine three times before she stopped breathing.
The sheriff’s office cited laryngeal edema, or a swelling in the throat, as the cause of death.