By Bill Carey
EMS1 Staff
FLORIDA RIDGE, Fla. — EMT Dan Bradley died suddenly while awaiting the birth of his sixth child with his wife and fellow first responder, EMT Christina Bradley, the News-Times reported.
After responding to the tragic events at Sandy Hook, Dan Bradley experienced a profound depression that led to significant personal struggles. “The weight of the Sandy Hook tragedy was overwhelming for Dan, who had already witnessed numerous distressing events in his line of work. However, the events of 2012, when our children were at the same vulnerable age as those affected, proved to be the tipping point,” Christina shared with the News-Times. “It was the final straw that shattered his resilience.”
Dan experienced a downward spiral of depression, substance abuse and homelessness, before reconciling with his family, who never gave up on him. However, due to Dan’s pre-existing health conditions, he was determined “uninsurable” and denied access to life insurance.
Christina reached out to EMS1, writing that she has shared Dan’s story to “bring attention and awareness to our elected officials and legislators about the lack of resources and help with mental health and substance abuse for healthcare providers especially those in EMS.”
Not only is the passing of Dan a tragic heartbreak for his family, but his being also unable to leave his family with any type of financial cushion is an added blow. In addition, since Dan’s passing, Christina has been struggling to access her own medical care. A GoFundMe has been created to help Christina and her family.