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N.C. rescuers to get ‘dirty-bomb’ training

The The News & Observer (Raleigh, North Carolina)

NEW HILL, N.C. — Wake County fire and rescue officials will sponsor a dirty-bomb workshop starting today from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Wake County Fire Training Center in New Hill.

The two-day course will teach fire and EMS officers how to respond if they are the first to arrive on the scene of a radiological incident. Students will learn how to secure blast zones and treat people exposed to radiation. They also will become familiar with the equipment used to detect dirty- bomb radiation.

Components of a dirty bomb typically include a small amount of radioactive material wrapped around a common explosive. A closed-door simulation will be staged Friday morning. Instructors will simulate a dirty-bomb explosion and supervise student response to the emergency.

Experts teaching at the workshop represent the Federal Bureau of Investigation; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; State Bureau of Investigation; N.C. National Guard, State Radiation Protective Division. and N.C. Department of Crime Control & Public Safety.

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