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NH paramedic program receives donation to buy pediatric manikins

The Kiwanis Club of Concord has supported the New Hampshire Technical Institute’s public safety programs for more than 30 years

kiwanis club new hampshire donation

Photo/New Hampshire Technical Institute Paramedic Emergency Medicine

By Laura French

CONCORD, N.H. — A New Hampshire service organization donated $2,000 to its local paramedic program to buy pediatric manikins for students to use in training.

The Kiwanis Club of Concord has supported the New Hampshire Technical Institute’s first responder training programs for more than three decades, according to The latest donation will go toward the purchase of MedaCode Kid pediatric manikins for the school’s Paramedic Emergency Medicine Program.

Kiwanis Club of Concord President Mark Lester presented the donation check to Paramedic Emergency Medicine Program Department Chairman Keith Wilding last week. Wilding said the two-year program is the only one of its kind in New Hampshire, and that the Kiwanis Club donation will help continue to train paramedic students to treat patients of all ages.