Fall River, MA – A major grant-funded RFQ was awarded to OCI Software and AmbuPro EMS. This project will enable over 40 EMS agencies in Massachusetts OEMS Regions 1 and 5 to collect, analyze and export data electronically using AmbuPro EMS, the premier ePCR software solution. Working closely with Southeastern Massachusetts EMS council and Western Massachusetts EMS, AmbuPro EMS will deploy, train and support over 40 new EMS organizations serving communities across Massachusetts.
“OCI Software is proud to have been chosen as the ePCR vendor for this initiative,” says Doug Furtado, OCI Software’s Vice President & Chief Technology Officer. “Through this grant, AmbuPro EMS, already implemented and trusted by hundreds of EMS agencies across the United States, will be able to provide electronic patient care reporting to a much wider audience within our own home state of Massachusetts. We welcome the opportunity with open arms.”
The grant project is planned with several phases. Phase 1 of the grant will provide both hardware and AmbuPro EMS software to eligible communities, allowing them to collect data in the field using AmbuPro EMS’ powerful yet easy-to-use interface. Chiefs and Managers will have access to AmbuPro EMS’ full suite of QI/QA and reporting tools, streamlining QI and service reporting. Services will also be able to automatically export MATRIS information for upload, allowing EMS Coordinators and other Operational Managers to export mandated information with the click of a button. When used in conjunction with AmbuPro EMS’ exclusive XML validation tools AmbuPro EMS users can quickly and accurately export MATRIS data and rest easy knowing their data exports already meet or exceed MATRIS reporting requirements.
For more information on AmbuPro EMS visit the website at www.ambupro.net or call 508.678.3330.