AmbuPro EMS Introduces Its Latest Computer Aided Dispatch Interface
Fall River, MA - AmbuPro EMS®, the industry-standard ePCR and incident management solution, is proud to announce its new Integration with TriTech IMC® CAD.
AmbuPro EMS customers who use TriTech IMC Computer Aided Dispatch can now auto-populate fields within AmbuPro EMS over a cellular or wireless connection with the click of a button. Dispatch data, including location information and incident times, is transferred in real-time directly from the dispatch server to a mobile unit in the field, speeding documentation and return-to-service time while increasing documentation accuracy and providing greater protection to your service. Since data is sent directly to the requesting mobile unit radio traffic can be reserved for important emergency traffic, helping to keep your field providers safer. And because the data is automatically entered into the correct AmbuPro EMS fields, transcription errors are a thing of the past.
For more information on AmbuPro EMS visit the AmbuPro EMS website at Or contact the OCI Software Sales team directly at 508-678-3330 (option 6) or via email at
About AmbuPro EMS ePCR Software
AmbuPro EMS, developed for the EMS community by EMS professionals, is an advanced yet easy-to-use software and hardware solution for incident management and reporting. AmbuPro EMS instantly places vital patient information and incident history at the fingertips of fast-acting EMS personnel, supplying them with critical information for better decision making. The software improves compliance with regional and state requirements while streamlining claims and billing. Customers of AmbuPro EMS may be supplied with all the required hardware and software including complete installation, configuration and training. AmbuPro EMS software is NEMSIS Gold Compliant, having been tested through the NEMSIS Technical Center. To speak to OCI Software directly contact the Sales team at 508.678-3330 (option 6) or by e-mail at
About OCI Software
OCI Software is a premier software design and development firm located in Fall River, MA. The company, which serves small businesses to Fortune 500 corporations, has been in business since 1980. AmbuPro EMS has matured over the years to become OCI Software’s flagship product.