MSA Helps Departments Get New SCBAs in their “Promise Program”
December 11, 2008 06:08 AM
The Basics
Unique program that enables fire departments to buy new MSA Firehawk Air Masks in an easy, affordable way
INCLUDES upgrades to the NFPA 1981, 2007 standard and credit toward the 2012 standard or a new Air Mask
Offers great flexibility in payment terms, length of program, and SCBA configuration
The Details
Buy MSA Firehawks and spread the payments from 1 to 10 years with NO interest
Payments can be made annually, quarterly, or monthly
A discounted lump sum option is also available
For upgradeable Air Masks in good condition, the Program includes:
No charge upgrade to the NFPA 1981, 2007 Edition SCBA standard
$2012 credit towards an upgrade to the NFPA 1981, 2012 Edition SCBA standard or a new Air Mask
Purchase is directly from MSA at 2007 price
An authorized Fire Service Distributor will perform the upgrades
At the end of the program you own the Air Masks
The Fine Print
The NFPA 2007 Upgrade is at no charge. The 2012 upgrade is a $2012 credit toward the upgrade. If the upgrade cost is more than $2012, you can pay the difference, or you can apply the $2012 credit toward the purchase of a new Air Mask.
The Air Mask must be in good “upgradeable” condition.