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Opinion: Safety first for EMTs

Belleville News-Democrat
Copyright 2008 Belleville News-Democrat

BELLEVILLE, Ill. — Emergency medical technicians make a career out of helping other people, but now it’s these workers who need help.

As most people have heard, an EMT from MedStar Ambulance was shot and seriously injured last week while driving a gunshot victim from Washington Park to Kenneth Hall Hospital in East St. Louis. If not for the quick action of the EMT’s partner and the emergency room staff, he might not have survived.

It should be unimaginable that anyone would brazenly attack an unarmed person rendering aid to a wounded man. Even in war zones, medics and hospitals are considered off-limits. Sadly, many thugs today have no respect for life or normal society rules.

The shooting is a wake-up call that first responders need more protection -- not just at a crime scene, but during the subsequent trip to the hospital. Officials at MedStar plan to call a meeting this week of area mayor and law enforcement to discuss the possibilities.

We urge local leaders to attend and figure out ways to provide that protection. Leaders who attended an informal meeting last week, including the Belleville and East St. Louis mayors, seemed supportive.

It’s essential that a plan be put in place for the EMTs and public safety. The EMTs can best help the rest of us if they first feel safe.