Assaults and attacks on EMS providers is an ongoing problem, but the stabbing of two Detroit medics put EMS safety issues in front on the general public. Local and national news media across the U.S. covered the event, the need for additional safety training for medics and the increasing number of departments considering body armor for EMS providers.
However, there are attacks on medics every week around the world that receive less attention. Here are the attacks and assaults we learned of this week:
EMT, paramedic punched and bit by patient
A man punched and bit an EMT and a paramedic Monday night at a hospital. The 32-year-old called 911 saying he was having a problem with his pacemaker, but while being transported to the hospital, he started punching an EMT in the back, and when a paramedic intervened, he attacked him as well. The man was then arrested but the attack caused the ambulance to shut down until the next shift, almost 12 hours later.
Man attacks EMT, jumps from ambulance
A 27-year-old man attacked an EMT while being transported to the hospital for injuries suffered in a vehicle crash, and then jumped from the ambulance. The man was already on probation and was then charged with DUI, reckless conduct, assault and resisting arrest.
Two EMS providers assaulted
A woman attacked two EMS providers while being transported to the hospital for “stomach pains”. The woman became loud and violent about 10 minutes after the trip began, calling a responder names and grabbing her by her shirt. When the EMS provider who was driving intervened, he was hit in the face.
Four medics attacked by intoxicated woman
Four paramedics were attacked while assisting a heavily intoxicated woman. One of the medics needed medical treatment. The woman became violent while being transported to the hospital, struck paramedics and attempted to bite one of them.