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1st Minute app removes language barrier between medics and patients

The app aims to eliminate the language barrier between emergency responders and patients

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The app allows medics to show the patient a screen where they can pick a language.

LaunguageMAPS photo

1st Minute is a new app from LanguageMAPS that aims to eliminate the language barrier between emergency responders and patients.

It was presented at the EMERGE Demo Day in San Francisco on Sept. 23, 2015.

The idea for the app came when one of the founders was trying to help a paramedic treat a patient who only spoke Chinese. The frustration of that situation lead to the idea for the app, created last year.

The app allows medics to show the patient a screen where they can pick a language. The same screen will then show a body map, so that the patient can point at where the problem is.

Founder Lance Manning said currently the main solution when a patient doesn’t speak English is a phone interpreter, a solution that is expensive and time consuming.

The app doesn’t require a network and is available for Apple and Android.