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Genlantis introduces FirstResponder Sterilizer product to help EMTs and paramedics

Genlantis – a BioTech Company has a revolutionary product tailored just for you. Download this eBook to learn more about the FirstResponder Sterilizer.

SAN DIEGO — The FirstResponder® Sterilizer is one of a kind as it can be used to sterilize spaces and vehicles from infestations that might lead to severe infections. Such infections can also often lead to lifelong medical conditions or even death.

Download the eBook nowThe regular use of hospital, police and fire and rescue vehicles and buildings to serve the calamity stricken citizens causes infestations to occur leading to severe health conditions. Since we cannot clean them with the superficial cleaners that the market has to offer, it requires something that is much more effective for sterilizing these vehicles and areas.

The FirstResponder® Sterilizer destroys over 650 Pathogens including MRSA, C. Difficile, Norovirus, TB, Flu, and eliminates odors. It keeps our First Responders and their families safe from potentially deadly infections. Furthermore, the use of this product dramatically reduces risk and provides time-saving benefits and cost cuts in Police, Fire and EMS budgets.

The FirstResponder® Sterilizer produces high levels of Ozone Gas/Silver ions that reach every cubic inch within a police vehicle, ambulance, fire and rescue vehicles. Once the Ozone/Silver Ion fumigation cycle ends, the patented FirstResponder® Scrubber Technology removes all Ozone Gas/Silver Ions safely within a few minutes.

This method of having your vehicles clean and sterilized is not only extremely effective, but it also provides quick results without any hassle. Ensuring that your vehicles keep doing their jobs in timely manner, while allow you to serve the humanity at its best. Sterile emergency vehicles also reduce the spread of transported Hospital Acquired Infections.

The FirstResponder® Sterilizer ensures that workers and their families are safe from infections. The FirstResponder® Sterilizer is the solution to all your sterilizing concerns – it is fast, easy and extremely effective.

About Gelantis
Gelantis is a San Diego based company specializing in biotech. With years of experience in viral and bacterial genetics, we have developed a powerful and portable sterilizer which is capable of killing infectious agents quickly and effectively.