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Pandemic Readiness & Response - Two Training Conferences

October 11-12, 2006
Sheraton National, Arlington, VA

Pandemic Influenza: Principles and Techniques for Communicating Effectively in High Stress & High Concern Situations Workshop

October 10, 2006
Sheraton National, Arlington, VA

Register for both events and save $100!

Comments from our Mass Casualty conference in March of this year....

“Good opportunity to hear about key issues in disaster management facing the healthcare field.” “Extremely well organized and moved along very well.” Tremendous speakers!” “Very effective knowledgeable speakers.” “Very informative.” “Dynamic speakers, interesting topic.” “Great information”

The following additional training courses are also available: (For details go to

* Security for Schools Workshop -A Two-Day Coordinated School Health and Safety Preparedness Workshop, September 14-15, 2006, Arlington, VA
* Managing the Threat of Suicide Bombers and Improvised Explosive Devices Workshop, September 26-27, 2006, Arlington, VA
* GIS Conference: Location-based Social Networking and Crisis Response, October 3, 2006, Arlington, VA
* Target Analysis & Vulnerability Assessment: An Interactive Workshop on Conducting Facility Vulnerability Assessments, October 17-19, 2006, Falls Church, VA
* Physical and Critical Infrastructure Resilience Conference, November 7, 2006, Arlington, VA
* Emergency Preparedness and Response Conference (For People with Disabilities, the Elderly, Pediatrics, and Animals, December 13-14, 2006, Washington, DC

*** About the Preparing for Pandemic Influenza Conference

In April, President Bush outlined the United States’ strategy to safeguard against the danger of pandemic influenza. Once a pandemic develops, it can spread rapidly causing disease around the world. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) predicts that as much as 25% to 30% of the US population could be affected. Our government - and governments around the world - needs to improve the nation’s ability to detect outbreaks early, expand vaccine production capacity, stockpile influenza treatments. This conference will stress the importance of national, state, and local preparedness to respond to a pandemic so that we can ensure the health and safety of our people in the face of this ominous threat.

The U.S. has created a National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza to promote an effective response throughout an influenza pandemic. With the combined efforts of government officials and the public health, medical, veterinary, and law enforcement communities, as well as the private sector, the nation’s strategy is designed to meet three critical goals: detecting human or animal outbreaks that occur anywhere in the world; protecting the American people by stockpiling vaccines and antiviral drugs while improving the capacity to produce new vaccines; and preparing to respond at the federal, state, and local levels in the event that an influenza pandemic reaches the United States, which is likely should a pandemic occur. While a pandemic response is primarily a public health response, many agencies, organizations, and private institutions will need to work in a coordinated and collaborative manner to ensure an effective overall response to such a crisis.

The Preparing for Pandemic Influenza conference will bring together an influential gathering of medial and public health leaders to review and discuss the National Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Plan and our nation’s preparedness and response efforts and goals. Medical, clinical and epidemiological experts will present the most current information related to surveillance, specific contingency plans, vaccine and drug production and stockpiling, risk communication, and the role of federal, state and local governments in responding to a new influenza pandemic.


- Anthony S. Fauci, MD, Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health
- Stephen V. Cantrill, MD, Associate Director of Emergency Medicine, Denver Health Medical Center
- Lisa Kaplowitz, MD, MSHA, Deputy Commissioner for Emergency Preparedness and Response, Virginia Department of Health
- James W. Leduc, PhD, Coordinator for Influenza, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
- Dr. Randy Culpepper, MC (FS), USN, Senior Preventive Medicine Consultant, The Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center (AFMIC), Defense Intelligence Agency
- Colonel Robert Kadlec, MD, Former Staff Director, Subcommittee on Bioterrorism and Public Health Preparedness
- Alan P. Zelicoff, MD, Adjunct Professor of Public Health, St. Louis University Institute for BioSecurity and Senior Scientific Consultant, ARES Corporation
- Rashid A. Chotani, MD, MPH, Senior Science Advisor supporting The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), Northrop Grumman Information Technology (former Director, Global Infectious Disease Surveillance & Alert System, School of Public Health Johns Hopkins University
- Terrance M. Wilson, DVM, PhD, ACVP, USDA APHIS VS IS-Avian Influenza Coordination Group, Europe and Middle East
- Chief Richard Serino, Director of Emergency Medical Services, City of Boston
- Randy L. Wood III, Director, Solutions, Symantec Corporation

What You Will Learn

- How an influenza pandemic can impact your community or business
- What measures you should implement to best prepare
- Why continuous global surveillance of influenza is essential
- How preparing for the next influenza pandemic can provide benefits now (i.e., improvements in public health infrastructure can have immediate and lasting benefits, and can also mitigate the effect of other epidemics or infectious disease threats
- The importance of testing your planning assumptions and response capacities, and having the most up-to-date information on potential pandemic strains and subsequent disease
- How to strengthen local capacity to respond to epidemics of influenza
- What you need to know about stockpiling medical supplies and antiviral drugs, and how the federal government is helping
- What are the latest technologies for preparing a pandemic?
- Current vaccine and vaccine capacity developments that are under way
- Who are the major players in setting policies and establishing funding for pandemic preparedness?
- Public health guidance for state and local partners
- What, if anything, you can do individually to reduce the risk of pandemic influenza
- What are the signs and symptoms in humans to look out for?
- How to prepare, maintain, update, and exercise an operational plan that itemized specific roles and responsibilities in the event of an influenza pandemic
- International efforts, outreach, and resources
- And more!

Who Should Attend

- City, County, State and Federal Emergency Planners and Public Health Professionals Hospital-based Disaster and Emergency Planners and Healthcare Providers, including doctors, nurses, Paramedics and EMT’s, and allied health professionals
- Hospital and Healthcare Administrators, CEO’s and COO’s
- Clinicians and First Responder Personnel (EMT, paramedics, etc.)
- Primary Medical Care Professionals
- Logisticians and Planners
- Anyone in the emergency and preventive medicine sectors who are concerned with or unsure about their roles in the response to an influenza pandemic
- Federal Partner Agencies and their personnel who are involved with the National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza
- Companies with products, services and solutions designed to aid in US medical response to pandemic disease and mass casualty events

*** About the Pandemic Influenza: Principles and Techniques for Communicating Effectively in High Stress and High Concern Situations

Much has been accomplished in the area of emergency preparedness since 9/11, yet we continue to fall behind when it comes to integrating and executing public risk communications and operations functions in a crisis or emergency. Given the potential threat of a pandemic influenza outbreak, organizations and individuals should be especially prepared to communicate effectively to multiple audiences before, during and after an outbreak. This one-day training workshop - which will take place one day prior to the Pandemic Influenza Conference - will help individuals and organizations prepare for such an event by focusing on specific challenges and solutions for integrating risk and crisis communications and operational response.

What You Will Learn

- How to Create an Effective Risk Communication Strategy and Program
- How to Develop Effective Risk Communication Messages
- Risk Communication Tools and Techniques
- Methods/Means for Effective Risk Communication Outreach
- Verbal and Non-Verbal Risk and Crisis Communication Skills
- How to Communicate Effectively with Hostile or Angry Individuals and Groups
- How to Work with the Media in High Concern/High Stress Situations
- Strategies for Communicating Effectively with Hostile Individuals and Groups
- Exercises, Practice, Role Playing, and Simulations in Risk and Crisis Communication

A Homeland Defense Journal “Certificate of Completion” will be provided to all attendees upon conclusion of the workshop.

Who Should Attend

- Representatives from all public and private sector agencies and organizations dealing with human health and animal health issues as it relates to pandemic and avian influenza communications - Executives, including communicators and operations managers, from industries including travel and tourism, health care, transportation, and many more
- City, County, State and Federal Emergency Planners and Public Health Professionals
- Federal Partner Agencies and their personnel who are involved with the National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza
- Hospital and Healthcare Administrators, CEO’s and COO’s, and communications professionals and executives in public health and health care organizations
- Hospital-based Disaster and Emergency Planners and Healthcare Providers, including doctors, nurses, Paramedics and EMT’s, and allied health professionals

About the Instructors

Vincent Covello, Ph.D.
Founder and Director, Center for Risk Communication

Vincent Covello, Ph.D, founder and director of the Center for Risk Communication, is a nationally and internationally recognized trainer, researcher, consultant, and expert in risk and crisis communications. He has consulted for several hundred government agencies. Dr. Covello’s most recent assignments include trainings, workshops, and consultations related to the London tube bombings, avian influenza, pandemic flu, anthrax, smallpox, radioactive waste disposal, hazardous waste sites, mining, West Nile virus, mad cow disease, bioterrorism, and air quality issues.

Over the past 25 years, Dr. Covello has held positions in academia and government. Before establishing the Center for Risk Communication, he was Associate Professor of Environmental Sciences and Clinical Medicine at Columbia University for over 10 years. Dr. Covello has authored or edited more than 25 books and over 75 published articles on risk assessment, risk management, and risk communication. Dr. Covello is also the lead risk and crisis communication consultant to the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Tim Tinker, M.P.H., Dr.P.H.
Senior Vice President & Group Director, Widmeyer Communications

As a Co-Founder of the Risk and Crisis Communication Consortium, Dr. Tinker provides strategic counsel and advice to Widmeyer and its clients in crisis and emergency risk communication. Dr. Tinker manages emergency and non-emergency risk communication programs in the homeland security, public health, environment, agriculture, and defense sectors. Examples include work for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S. Department of Agriculture, Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management, and numerous state and local government agencies.

Before creating the Risk and Crisis Communication Consortium, Dr. Tinker had a long and distinguished career as a federal communicator. As Chief of Communications and Research at the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), a federal public health agency and sister agency of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, he provided ongoing technical assistance and expertise to federal, State, and local agencies in a wide range of crisis and emergency risk communication issues.

Registration Charges

Both Pandemic Influenza: Principles and Techniques for Communicating Effectively in High Stress and High Concern Situations Workshop (Oct. 10) and Preparing for Pandemic Influenza Conference (Oct. 11-12)

Industry: $990 per person
Small Business: $840 per person
Government: $720 per person

Pandemic Influenza: Principles and Techniques for Communicating Effectively in High Stress and High Concern Situations Workshop Only (Oct. 10)

Industry: $395 per person
Small Business: $295 per person
Government: $225 per person

Preparing for Pandemic Influenza Conference Only (Oct. 11-12)

Industry: $695 per person
Small Business: $645 per person
Government: $595 per person

Registration Options

[1] Register on-line at [2] Phone Pamela Greenstein at (703) 807-2758 [3] E-mail Pamela Greenstein at [5] Mail the Registration Form provided below to:
Homeland Defense Journal
4301 Wilson Blvd. #1003, Arlington, VA 22203

Location Information

The conference will be held at the Sheraton National, 900 S. Orme Street, Arlington, VA 22204, (703) 521-1900. The hotel offers complimentary shuttle service every half hour from the Pentagon City metro stop (on the blue line).

Please note that the Sheraton National is holding a small block of guest rooms available at the rate of $192 +tax. To secure a room, you must contact the Sheraton National at (703) 521-1900 by September 19th and mention Market*Access’ “Preparing for Pandemic Influenza” to get this rate. A 50% discount on parking is also available, attendees must mention Market*Access’ “Preparing for Pandemic Influenza” to the parking attendant to get this rate.

Contact Us

- For registration information, please contact Pamela Greenstein, (703) 807-2758
- For government speaking and best practices presentation opportunities, contact Laura Johnson, (703) 807-2747
- For product and solutions companies interested in sponsorship information and related speaking opportunities, contact Andrea Feinberg, (201) 592-6477


Preparing for Pandemic Influenza- October 11-12

Pandemic Influenza: Principles and Techniques for Communicating Effectively in High Stress and High Concern- October 10

Attendee name:




City, State, and Zip Code:

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Attendee E-mail Address:

Training Coordinator E-mail Address:

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Both Pandemic Influenza: Principles and Techniques for Communicating Effectively in High Stress and High Concern Situations Workshop (Oct. 10) and Preparing for Pandemic Influenza Conference (Oct. 11-12)

Industry: $990 per person
Small Business: $840 per person
Government: $720 per person

Pandemic Influenza: Principles and Techniques for Communicating Effectively in High Stress and High Concern Situations Workshop Only (Oct. 10)

Industry: $395 per person
Small Business: $295 per person
Government: $225 per person

Preparing for Pandemic Influenza Conference Only (Oct. 11-12)

Industry: $695 per person
Small Business: $645 per person
Government: $595 per person

Method of Payment:

Company Check (payable to Market*Access Int’l) - Tax ID: 541851852 Credit Card Government P.O. (please attach) Type of Credit Card (check one):

____Visa____MasterCard____American Express

Card Number: ____________________________________

Exp. Date:____________________

Name Printed on Card:

Signature (required):

Please fax this form, complete with payment information, to (703) 807-2728 or mail it with your payment to:

Market*Access International Inc., 4301 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1003, Arlington, VA 22203

If you have questions about registration/payment, please call Pamela Greenstein at (703) 807-2758. Thank you