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Entrance Exam for Prospective Paramedic Students Now Available for Pilot Testing

Saint Paul, MN -- Does your school currently utilize an entrance exam to predict whether an applicant will successfully complete your paramedic program? By and large, many schools do not. Fisdap listened to the EMS community’s requests for an entrance exam specific to paramedicine. Our entrance exam provides you a cognitive baseline evaluation, helping you to make informed decisions about who you admit into your program and helping you identify opportunities for remediation in your curriculum.

To build this exam, we worked in collaboration with a clinical forensic psychologist,reading comprehension specialist, EMS subject matter experts, and an EMS educator committee. This exam is intended for prospective paramedic students beginning their “core” training and includes eight topics: affective domain, anatomy, math, reading comprehension, physiology, and EMT knowledge and experience.

We are excited to announce that the Entrance Exam for Prospective Paramedic Students is now available for pilot testing.

We need your participation with the pilot phase to help validate this assessment tool. To thank you for your participation, pilot testing is free. We hope you will share feedback and eventually report your student’s graduation and NREMT pass rate information.

To schedule this exam for your students, use the Test Scheduler tool and look at the bottom of the test drop down menu options for “Pilot Exams.”

We will also be hosting a webinar to provide more details about how and why we built this exam. To join us for that conversation on July 25th, sign up here.

If you have any questions, please contact Mike Bowen, Test Developer / Item Bank Manager at 651-783-5680, Ext. 120 or

About Fisdap
If you feel stressed about record keeping, accreditation, certification testing, managing an internship schedule, or keeping tabs on your students, we can help. Fisdap offers a range of products that will improve your program and your students’ training experience. Visit our website at