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Hosts Chris Cebollero and Kelly Grayson discuss a question from a reader about the career options for paramedics.
They discuss the different paths of tactical paramedics, flight paramedics and community paramedicine, industrial safety EMS, event medicine, ER paramedics and more. Grayson suggests that before deciding to specialize, students should get experience on the street.
Cebollero also said paramedic schools should start offering students education that helps them focus in on their niche within the field.
“How cool would it be to go through paramedic school, and at the end of it you take a specialization,” Cebollero says. For instance, they could decide to pursue tactical medicine, community paramedicine or special event medicine.
Bachelor programs could also take it a step further by offering concentration such as operations manager, clinical manager or system status management communications, and really help students develop a specific career path that goes beyond just an EMT or paramedic certification.
“Where is it that you want to drive yourself into when it comes to EMS as a career?” he asks.
Cebollero and Grayson also discuss EMS news and events of the week.