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Aussie medic accused of ambulance rape

By Kate Hagan
The Age
Copyright 2008 The Age

MELBOURNE, Australia — A paramedic digitally raped a drug-affected young woman in the back of an ambulance then asked as she was lying on a hospital bed if they could catch up later, a court has heard.

Simon Paul Howe, 33, was one of two paramedics who attended to the woman in Little Collins Street after she was escorted out of the Bubble nightclub by staff.

He is standing trial in the County Court after pleading not guilty to digital rape and indecent assault alleged to have taken place in the ambulance on the way to the Royal Melbourne Hospital about 6am on November 5, 2006.

The woman, 23, who cannot be named, told the court she had snorted speed about 11.30pm the previous evening because “it wakes you up and gets you dancing” - but believed her drink was spiked with other drugs when she left it on a podium to hit the dancefloor with friends.

A blood test conducted by police after the woman reported the alleged rape revealed the presence of amphetamines (speed), methamphetamines (ice), and GHB in her blood. There were also traces of cannabis, which she admitted using a couple of days earlier.

The woman said she was “out of it” after having the drink and had only a hazy recollection of what followed, but “I remember what he did”.

She said Howe was in the back of the ambulance, and another paramedic was driving, when he leant over her and put his hand down her pants.

The woman said he also placed her hand on his crotch in the ambulance. After she was admitted to hospital, she said Howe came into a cubicle where she was lying down and asked “if I wanted to catch up outside here”, which she refused.

Defence lawyer Peter Morrissey, for Howe, described the allegations as “weird” and said his client was trying to restrain the woman who was thrashing her legs and arms around and masturbating loudly throughout the ambulance ride and at the hospital.

“Howe says there was plenty of physical contact in the ambulance. He was restraining her during the six-minute trip because she was behaving so erratically,” Mr Morrissey said.

In a radio call played to the court, trainee paramedic Anthony Foundling could be heard telling the hospital he was transporting an “extremely agitated” patient, and they would need security.

Under cross-examination by Mr Morrissey, the woman admitted saying “cuddles” to Howe and throwing her arms around his neck in the ambulance.

She denied masturbating during the trip and did not agree that she could be heard making “orgasmic” noises in the background of another radio call.

The case, before Judge Geoff Chettle, continues.