Company Name: Vetter Innovations
Headquarters: Tucson, Arizona
Signature Product: Vetter Belt
The role of the fire service has changed over the past few decades. Firefighters are not only fighting fires, but for the average department 70 to 80 percent of all calls are related to medical emergencies. More firefighters are being trained as EMTs and paramedics to respond to calls for those who are injured, sick and dying.
Diane Vetter, a 16-year veteran firefighter, EMT and part of a technical rescue team, explains her inspiration for creating the Vetter Belt, and how the company helps responders do their job safely.
What was the inspiration behind starting your company?
I felt it was only a matter of time before one of my fellow firefighters would hurt themselves lifting heavy patients. Brute strength and true grit can only get you so far, and can cause injuries. It just makes sense to use the right tool and stay healthy.
Where did your company name originate from?
During the field testing of my prototype, my fellow firefighters would realize that the situation required the use of our lift assist belt. Since it didn’t have a name yet, someone would shout out, “get the Vetter Belt.” The name stuck, and the rest is history.
Why do you believe your products are essential to the EMS community?
Nobody wants to get injured doing the job they love. Firefighters pride themselves on their physical fitness, but we have to face facts ─ the forces of nature are greater than we are, and every firefighter is susceptible to injury at any given time. Back injuries account for approximately 50 percent of all line-of-duty retirements each year.
What has been the biggest challenge your company has faced?
Getting the word out to all healthcare providers about our product. Once people know about the Vetter Belt, they realize what a great product it is, they buy it and start using it.
What makes your company unique?
We believe the Vetter Belt is the best-built lift assist belt on the market today.
The beauty of the Vetter Belt is that it’s one-size-fits-all. EMS personnel have used it on the small and frail patient all the way up to the morbidly obese. There is no guess work involved; just break it out and put it on. One Vetter Belt is all you need.
What do your customers like best about you and your products?
When I designed the belt, we field tested it for six years, and got feedback from EMS responders. They told us what they liked and what they didn’t like, and we responded to their input. We modified it, tested and retested it, and are now pleased with the Vetter Belt’s final patented form. It’s simple to put on, secure to use and easy to take off. Most patients, as well as lifters say, “Wow! That was easy.”
What is the most rewarding part of serving the first responder community?
I have seen fellow firefighters leave the profession due to injury. It breaks my heart because often they are our fire department’s most inspirational people. If we can prevent even one career-ending injury, our efforts as a company will be very gratifying. Fire department administrators can be proactive in risk management, and this is a super easy way they can look out for the health and safety of the people that are in their charge.
Do you support any charitable organizations within public safety?
We are a new company. Once we start generating sales to defray startup costs, we will definitely donate to worthy causes; the 100 Club comes to mind.
Is there any fun fact or trivia that you’d like to share with our users about you or your company?
When I was a manager at the local McDonald’s, I gave any firefighter 50 percent off their purchase whenever they came into my store. I did it because I admired them and the work they did. Little did I know I would resign from the life of food service and join their ranks. I have proudly served as a firefighter, EMT and technical rescue technician for the past 18 years!
What’s next for your company? Any upcoming new projects or initiatives?
Becoming a part of EMS1. This is an opportunity for our company to grow and get the word out about the Vetter Belt. Check out our website,
If you have purchased our product, send us a testimonial about how the Vetter belt has benefited your organization. Thank for you time and be kind out there.