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Okla. medics to increase response times after 38 crashes since January

Of those accidents, 70 percent of the time the ambulance wasn’t running lights and sirens

TULSA, Okla. — Cutting down on the number of ambulance accidents is one reason why EMSA says it needs to extend how long it takes an ambulance to get to an emergency.

It was 3:00 in the morning, and Jeanie Crone woke up to a nightmare. “I’d awaken from a deep sleep. My breathing was suddenly irregular,” said Jeanie Crone. She was frightened.

“Just not being able to breath was probably the most frightening and feeling like you were going to pass out at any time,” said Jeanie. Her husband called 911. Firefighters and EMSA paramedics soon arrived.

Full story: EMSA ambulance drivers in 38 crashes with other vehicles since January; response times increase