Corpus Christi Caller-Times
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Corpus Christi is serious about the most recent contract offered to the local firefighters’ union being the “last, best” option, and the City Council wants to make sure everyone — namely the union members who are set to vote on the offer — knows it.
Still, union leaders are expected to encourage members to reject the offer, which was delivered last month, next week.
“We’ve given them the best final offer, so (if the union rejects the offer) we would have to look at our options, and those are legal solutions — unless we start all over again,” city spokeswoman Kim Womack told the Caller-Times.
Starting over is what the city opted for in December 2014 when the council voted to cancel the firefighters’ contract, but that move failed to produce results a year and four months later.
Craig Deats, the general counsel for the Texas State Association of Firefighters representing the local union, said the council isn’t getting the full story. He added city staff have barred him from making a case to the council and has rejected offers to speak to the union members about their proposals.
“My understanding was the fire administration felt the proposal we had worked for their needs, but it got rejected at the council level, apparently,” Deats said. “I don’t think (the council has) gotten all the information.”
Womack said when overtime pay is approved and paramedic licensing requirements are the hang-ups, but Deats said firefighters are willing to be flexible when it comes to overtime.
The city wants firefighters hired after Oct. 1, 2006, to maintain their paramedic license throughout their career in the department while the union is advocating for licensing to be required only a portion of that time, Womack explained. Currently, firefighters are required to maintain the certification for eight years after being hired.
“We have changed from strictly firefighting to primarily emergency medical services,” she said.
Deats said the department’s issues are about staffing, not licensing.
“This isn’t about not having enough certified paramedics. That’s not the problem,” he said. “The problem is the city didn’t hire any firefighters for three years so they’re understaffed.”
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