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In this week’s Inside EMS Quick Clip, co-hosts Chris Cebollero and Kelly Grayson discuss the death of Chelsea Michalesko, a Pennsylvania firefighter and EMT who was found dead Saturday night in her vehicle, which was parked in a parking lot.
The circumstances surrounding the death of the 24-year-old are under investigation. Michalesko was a firefighter for Harwood Fire Company and an EMT with Freeland/Northside Ambulance.
“We hope that PTSD and depression didn’t take another life of one of our colleagues,” Grayson said. “We certainly hope that isn’t the case, but it has affected others.”
Two Idaho EMS providers at Ada County Paramedics died by suicide within the last six months, and the PIO wrote an article about trying to understand what EMS providers experience.
“There’s nothing that will work as well as active peer support, and letting the person sitting 18 inches away from you know that you’ve got their back,” Grayson said. “Reach out to each other.”