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Are free-standing emergency rooms helping only the wealthy?

Critics say for-profit ERs reduce the amount of charity care hospitals can perform

By Sabriya Rice
The Dallas Morning News

DALLAS — Business is booming in Texas for free-standing emergency departments. But just because the state is home to more of them than any other place in the country doesn’t mean there’s equal access for all. Your ZIP code may determine whether or not there will be one available near you.

The centers are emerging in wealthier neighborhoods, where patients are privately insured and are less likely to have Medicaid or Medicare, finds a study published in July in the Annals of Emergency Medicine.

That’s concerning for some health policy researchers. Emergency services in the U.S. have historically been provided by hospitals, and therefore must adhere to federal regulations that protect patients from being denied care if they cannot afford it.

“It’s the one part of health care where there is some expectation that everyone can have access,” said Dr. Jeremiah Schuur, lead author of the study. “That might not be the case in a parallel emergency system, one that is not regulated by the same standard that has prevented hospitals from dumping patients.”

They are also worried that the proliferation is not helping improve access to emergency care, for which Texas got an “F” in a 2014 report card from the American College of Emergency Physicians.

Income and access
The study, conducted by researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, suggests part of the problem may be that the emergency departments tend to emerge in more affluent areas, and around hospitals that already have emergency departments.

Researchers looked specifically at Texas, Ohio and Colorado, where free-standing emergency departments were most prevalent as of March 2015. They evaluated characteristics of people in the ZIP codes where the facilities flourished, and looked at how frequently the facilities were affiliated with hospitals.

Texas was home to more than half of the 360 free-standing emergency centers in the country, which is not too surprising. In 2009, Texas became the first state to make it legal for emergency services to be provided by private for-profit companies, not just hospitals. The number of stand-alone emergency departments jumped from 19 in 2010 to just over 200 to date, according to Texas Department of State Health Services data.

Nationwide, the average income in areas with free-standing centers was $73,003 and nearly 72 percent of patients were privately insured, the study found. In areas that don’t have them, the average salary was almost $24,000 less, and patients were more frequently uninsured or on Medicare.

By ZIP code
The Dallas Morning News identified six free-standing ERs in Dallas. One is located in the 75244 ZIP code, where the median household income is $71,888 and nearly 74 percent of the population has private health insurance, according to U.S. Census data.

Two are in ZIP code 75209, where the median income is $81,791 and 69 percent of the residents are privately insured. Another is in the 75219, where the median income is $60,726 and 61 percent are privately insured.

Only one, the Preston Hollow Emergency Room, is in a ZIP code where the median income is less than $50,000 annually. The average annual income there is $32,011, and nearly 67 percent of the population is either uninsured or on Medicare. Even so, of the few hundred patients that facility sees each month, most are insured, says administrator Jennifer Lanza.

Medicare patients, she said, “have the option to self-pay.”

The ACEP study also found that in Texas, 21 percent of the free-standing centers were affiliated with hospitals, compared with 54.2 percent nationwide; 71.3 percent were independent for-profits, compared with 45.3 percent nationally.

‘Industry of demand’
At least one provider is trying to align more with hospitals. Adeptus Health Inc., the largest operator of free-standing ERs in the U.S., said its net operating revenue increased 12 percent, jumping to $100.2 million in its second-quarter earnings.

That was attributed in part to a joint venture with the Arlington-based nonprofit health system, Texas Health Resources.

The two organizations announced in May that Adeptus’ free-standing emergency rooms would be rebranded with the THR logo and will be in-network for patients of most major insurance plans starting next year.

In Texas, Adeptus has facilities in Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio, Houston and Austin. The company has experienced rapid growth in recent years, now operating nearly nine times as many free-standing ERs as it did in 2012.

“The free-standing emergency room is an industry of demand,” said John McGee, a board member for the Texas Association of Freestanding Emergency Centers. He notes the endemic problem of hospital-based emergency rooms, in which patients can wait twice as long as what is recommended for the level of urgency.

“Consumers wanted a better alternative,” he said.

McGee is also chief operating officer for ER Centers of America, a company that operates two free-standing emergency departments, one in Plano and another in Lubbock. He and others said regulatory hurdles, such as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services being less likely to reimburse them, make it harder to open locations in poor areas.

“It’s a huge burden. And a huge disincentive not to open up in areas where many patients may have Medicare, Medicaid or Tricare,” he said.

Policymakers, professional organizations, insurers and others continue to evaluate the payment structures for the growing number of free-standing emergency departments. While they don’t aren’t necessarily improve emergency care access, they may have an effect on overcrowding in the meantime.

The recent study did not investigate whether frustrated patients found the free-standing clinics a better alternative. However, the study authors say more evaluation is needed as the innovative model can potentially reshape the market for emergency care.

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