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Cheerleader EMT saves football coach after cardiac arrest

Also a firefighter; coach survives, reported up and talking at hospital

The Chicago Sun-Times

INDIANAPOLIS — On the NBC drama “Heroes,” the tagline went, “Save the cheerleader. Save the world.”

Jessica Anderson, a cheerleader for the minor-league football Indianapolis Tornados, was the one doing the saving when she performed CPR on Tornados coach Jerry Senter after he went into cardiac arrest and fell into a player’s arms before collapsing on the field Saturday.

“She didn’t even blink,” team president Evan Triggs said.

Triggs said Anderson, who’s an emergency medical technician and a firefighter, performed CPR on Senter for about 15 minutes before emergency personnel arrived and performed additional life-saving measures.

“He had flat-lined at that point,” Triggs said. "[The CPR by Anderson] was the only thing that saved him.”

Triggs said Senter is undergoing tests and is expected to be released from the hospital in the next couple of days.

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